The New Frontier: Unlocking the Opportunities of the Microbiome


Microbiomes are fundamental to, and interact with, every aspect of life on our planet. Despite this fact, the scientific community has until only recently underestimated the complexity and systems-like involvement of these highly-complex microbial entities. Having now recognized their vital importance, focus has now turned towards the need to catalogue, understand, and proactively manage the microbiome. Given the multi-dimensional and complex nature of microbiome data, it is understood that this task could be a significant challenge for decades to come. Overcoming this challenge, however, will provide innumerable rewards with significant positive impact on the world and society overall, including: 

  • Accelerating the development of innovative medicines
  • Improving food production 
  • Developing industry-leading, sustainable consumer goods 
  • Having positive effects on already-threatened environments and ecosystems